Three Olives Vodka 750ml

    • Size: 750ml
    • ABV: 40.00%
  • SKU: 715091
Not rated yet

Boasting a superior taste achieved through multiple distillation and filtration methods, Three Olives Vodka is sure to become your go-to brand. Three Olives Vodka was founded in London in 1998 by Guillaume Cuvelier and was acquired by Proximo Spirits in 2007. This delightful liquor is made from quadruple-distilled English winter wheat that's handcrafted for an unbeatable taste. Even if you've never been a vodka fan, Three Olives just might change your mind! The handcrafted unflavored vodka is exceptionally smooth and crisp, making it perfect for blending cocktails or serving up the ultimate martini. But the multiple flavor varieties appeal to just about anyone with a discriminating palate. The fastest-growing super-premium vodka on the market, Three Olives Vodka embodies a smooth flavor for endless cocktail creations. Your only limit is your imagination! The brand's original imported vodka is 40 percent alcohol by volume (80 proof). It boasts a clean aroma with subtle wheat and buttercream notes that appeal to a variety of consumers, even non-vodka drinkers. The taste starts off smooth and full with a slight woodiness and just a hint of vanilla bean. It follows up with traces of eucalyptus and mint for a mild cooling finish. For the perfect martini, simply pour Three Olives Vodka into a shaker filled with ice, shake and strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with three olives and you're good to go. There's no better way to enjoy vodka cocktails than with the refined elegance and taste of Three Olives.

  • $27.09

Price Includes Bottle Deposit

In stock (25 items available)
  • Payment methods

    For all online orders, we are currently only accepting e-transfer or collect on delivery with our debit machine or cash.  

  • Shipping info

    We ship throughout Lethbridge. 

Boasting a superior taste achieved through multiple distillation and filtration methods, Three Olives Vodka is sure to become your go-to brand. Three Olives Vodka was founded in London in 1998 by Guillaume Cuvelier and was acquired by Proximo Spirits in 2007. This delightful liquor is made from quadruple-distilled English winter wheat that's handcrafted for an unbeatable taste. Even if you've never been a vodka fan, Three Olives just might change your mind! The handcrafted unflavored vodka is exceptionally smooth and crisp, making it perfect for blending cocktails or serving up the ultimate martini. But the multiple flavor varieties appeal to just about anyone with a discriminating palate. The fastest-growing super-premium vodka on the market, Three Olives Vodka embodies a smooth flavor for endless cocktail creations. Your only limit is your imagination! The brand's original imported vodka is 40 percent alcohol by volume (80 proof). It boasts a clean aroma with subtle wheat and buttercream notes that appeal to a variety of consumers, even non-vodka drinkers. The taste starts off smooth and full with a slight woodiness and just a hint of vanilla bean. It follows up with traces of eucalyptus and mint for a mild cooling finish. For the perfect martini, simply pour Three Olives Vodka into a shaker filled with ice, shake and strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with three olives and you're good to go. There's no better way to enjoy vodka cocktails than with the refined elegance and taste of Three Olives.

    • SKU
    • Container Type: Glass Bottle
      • Size: 750ml
      • ABV: 40.00%
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If you are having your order shipped outside of Lethbridge but within Alberta, to prevent any potential fraud, only accepted payment method will be e-Transfer. Please note that we ship products outside of Lethbridge via Canada Post and are not responsible for any loss or damage to products during the shipping process via Canada Post.