High West Bourbon 750ml
- Size: 750ml
- ABV: 40%
- Country: United States
- SKU: 775901
Meet the American West’s most innovative and inviting bourbon. A blend of straight bourbon whiskeys, aged a minimum of two years in charred white American oak barrels. Never chill-filtered or carbon-treated and utilizing a variety of high rye content mash bills to convey an earthy complexity (with a bit of spice). The perfect marriage of richness and brightness expressed by notes of honey nougat, sweet cornbread biscuits, and lemon zest with caramel apples and pecan pie lingering on the finish. Whether sipped or stirred, this bourbon is blended to be your tried and true.
Straight Bourbon Whiskey: 75% corn, 21% rye, 4% barley malt from MGP;
84% corn, 8% rye, 8% malted barley; Other whiskey components are undisclosed due to contractual reasons
Price Includes Bottle Deposit
Payment methods
For all online orders, we are currently only accepting e-transfer or collect on delivery with our debit machine or cash.
Shipping info
We ship throughout Lethbridge.
Meet the American West’s most innovative and inviting bourbon. A blend of straight bourbon whiskeys, aged a minimum of two years in charred white American oak barrels. Never chill-filtered or carbon-treated and utilizing a variety of high rye content mash bills to convey an earthy complexity (with a bit of spice). The perfect marriage of richness and brightness expressed by notes of honey nougat, sweet cornbread biscuits, and lemon zest with caramel apples and pecan pie lingering on the finish. Whether sipped or stirred, this bourbon is blended to be your tried and true.
Straight Bourbon Whiskey: 75% corn, 21% rye, 4% barley malt from MGP;
84% corn, 8% rye, 8% malted barley; Other whiskey components are undisclosed due to contractual reasons
- Container Type: Glass Bottle
- Type: Bourbon
- Region: Kentucky
- Size: 750ml
- ABV: 40%
- Country: United States
**** We can not ship outside of Alberta at this time due to government restrictions.****
We ship through out Lethbridge, most of our orders are usually delivered within 45 minutes of placing the order. We will wait for your payment if you have selected the "e-Transfer method" and will only send out your order upon confirmation of your payment. E-Transfer payments can be sent to orders@parksideliquor.ca.
If you are having your order shipped outside of Lethbridge but within Alberta, to prevent any potential fraud, only accepted payment method will be e-Transfer. Please note that we ship products outside of Lethbridge via Canada Post and are not responsible for any loss or damage to products during the shipping process via Canada Post.