Oban Little Bay 750ml
- Size: 750ml
- ABV: 43%
- Country: United Kingdom
- SKU: 770050
Oban Little Bay is a rich and complex single malt Scotch whisky crafted in small batches. Aged in specially selected oak casks, it offers a harmonious blend of flavors, including dried fruits, orange zest, honey, and a hint of maritime saltiness. With a smooth, warming finish, this 750ml bottle is perfect for sipping neat or with a drop of water to enhance its intricate character. Ideal for whisky connoisseurs seeking a premium Highland Coast expression.
Price Includes Bottle Deposit
Payment methods
For all online orders, we are currently only accepting e-transfer or collect on delivery with our debit machine or cash.
Shipping info
We ship throughout Lethbridge.
Oban Little Bay is a rich and complex single malt Scotch whisky crafted in small batches. Aged in specially selected oak casks, it offers a harmonious blend of flavors, including dried fruits, orange zest, honey, and a hint of maritime saltiness. With a smooth, warming finish, this 750ml bottle is perfect for sipping neat or with a drop of water to enhance its intricate character. Ideal for whisky connoisseurs seeking a premium Highland Coast expression.
- Container Type: Glass Bottle
- Type: Single Malt
- Region: Scotland
- Size: 750ml
- ABV: 43%
- Country: United Kingdom
**** We can not ship outside of Alberta at this time due to government restrictions.****
We ship through out Lethbridge, most of our orders are usually delivered within 45 minutes of placing the order. We will wait for your payment if you have selected the "e-Transfer method" and will only send out your order upon confirmation of your payment. E-Transfer payments can be sent to orders@parksideliquor.ca.
If you are having your order shipped outside of Lethbridge but within Alberta, to prevent any potential fraud, only accepted payment method will be e-Transfer. Please note that we ship products outside of Lethbridge via Canada Post and are not responsible for any loss or damage to products during the shipping process via Canada Post.